Brief Answers to the Big Questions

$824.00 $428
氣候變遷、核戰、AI 人工智慧……,



  《Brief Answers to the Big Questions》由曾在電影《愛的萬物論》中扮演他的演員艾迪.瑞德曼(Eddie Redmayne)撰寫前言,諾貝爾物理學獎得主索恩(Kip Thorne)導讀,霍金女兒露西執筆後記,《Brief Answers to the Big Questions》是霍金大師留給世界的最後一則睿智的關鍵訊息。(文 / 博客來編譯)

  Professor Hawking was a brilliant theoretical physicist, an influential author and thinker, and a great popular communicator. Throughout his career he was asked questions by business leaders, politicians, entrepreneurs, academics and the general public on a broad range of subjects, from the origins of the universe to the future of the planet.

  BRIEF ANSWERS TO THE BIG QUESTIONS brings together his thinking on the most timeless and the most-timely questions in science:

  Where did we come from?
  What is inside a black hole?
  Is there other intelligent life in the universe?
  How will we survive on earth?
  How can we colonise space?
  Will we ever be able to go beyond the Solar System?

  For both the scientific and the intellectually curious, this book celebrates the mind, humour, and achievements of one of the most inspiring figures in recent history.

  The book will include an Afterword from Lucy Hawking and a percentage of all royalties will go to the Motor Neurone Disease Association and the Stephen Hawking Foundation.

Brief Answers to the Big Questions

$428 Save 48.00%

氣候變遷、核戰、AI 人工智慧……,



  《Brief Answers to the Big Questions》由曾在電影《愛的萬物論》中扮演他的演員艾迪.瑞德曼(Eddie Redmayne)撰寫前言,諾貝爾物理學獎得主索恩(Kip Thorne)導讀,霍金女兒露西執筆後記,《Brief Answers to the Big Questions》是霍金大師留給世界的最後一則睿智的關鍵訊息。(文 / 博客來編譯)

  Professor Hawking was a brilliant theoretical physicist, an influential author and thinker, and a great popular communicator. Throughout his career he was asked questions by business leaders, politicians, entrepreneurs, academics and the general public on a broad range of subjects, from the origins of the universe to the future of the planet.

  BRIEF ANSWERS TO THE BIG QUESTIONS brings together his thinking on the most timeless and the most-timely questions in science:

  Where did we come from?
  What is inside a black hole?
  Is there other intelligent life in the universe?
  How will we survive on earth?
  How can we colonise space?
  Will we ever be able to go beyond the Solar System?

  For both the scientific and the intellectually curious, this book celebrates the mind, humour, and achievements of one of the most inspiring figures in recent history.

  The book will include an Afterword from Lucy Hawking and a percentage of all royalties will go to the Motor Neurone Disease Association and the Stephen Hawking Foundation.